Satyajit Rout

Build an organization that runs itself





For Emerging Leaders


Upgrade your skillset: learn decision-making.

No one knows the future of work. Don’t shrink your career by learning only domain skills.


Transform your mindset outsmart, not outwork.

For emerging leaders like you, brute force won’t cut it. You only have so many hours a day. Leverage matters.


Know yourself, before you be yourself.

Identify limiting beliefs holding you back from peak performance. Use self-awareness to take positive action.

About Me


Hi–I’m Satyajit Rout. I help organizations, founders, and high-potential managers have a deeper impact by improving the quality of their decision-making. Becoming a better decision-maker at work seeps into all areas of life. My clients benefit from such osmosis.

More about me



I believe each of us has the ability to solve our deepest problems. What we need is access to that ability. That access is unlocked by better understanding our own selves. A coach’s job is to nudge the coachee toward self-discovery.


I train second lines and core teams in small and mid-sized companies on creating more impact by making smarter decisions consistently. Such engagements span across 4-8 sessions and 2-4 months.


I run theme-based and goal-oriented workshops aimed at both imparting specific skillsets. These include topics such as building a champion team, influencing without authority, and being vulnerable with your team.


How to Make Smart Decisions

How to Make Smart Decisions

Do the decisions on your plate leave you confused and stressed? Learn how to make smarter decisions stress-free.

Decision Framing Toolkit

Decision Framing Toolkit

Bring clarity to complex situations and make informed choices with our decision framing toolkit.

Middle Manager Playbook

Middle Manager Playbook

Chart a path to upper management by learning from real-world middle managerial situations.


Decentralising decision making continues to be one of the most significant challenges for a Founder and Leadership Team. Satyajit helped us deep dive into the dispositions and the roadblocks that impact decision making. It has significantly helped in building agility across the organisation.

Mainak Roy

Founder and CEO of Simple Education Foundation

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Your one-stop-shop guide to hone your decision making skills. No matter where you are in your career, or what type of problem that you're facing, the decision making frameworks offered here will help build both the quality of your decision outputs and velocity of decision making. One of my favorite callouts that Satyajit mentions is Jeff Bezos' framing of decisions as one-way doors (non-reversible and highly consequential) vs. two-way doors (reversible, and potentially not as consequential). If you're someone who likes to constantly improve yourself like me, this ebook is for you. Grab a cup of coffee, your favorite notebook, and dive right in.

Mike Alcazaren

Senior Technical Product Manager - Sustainability, Amazon

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The clarity of thoughts that Satyajit had while explaining the situations stood out the most. The situation discussed were very relevant and allowed a moment of deep personal reflection for me.

Joyee Sarkar

MD, PostCare.AI

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My Beliefs

The problem isn’t our people. It’s not our leaders either. It’s our operating system. Get that right, and the organization runs itself.

Aaron Dignan

Founder of The Ready and author of Brave New Work

We don’t know the future of work in 30, 20, even 10 years so we can’t prepare ourselves to be useful to society by acquiring skills in a line of work X or Y or Z.

Yuval Noah Harari

Author of Sapiens and Homo Deus

Being a founder and being a CEO are two different skillsets. Sometimes they overlap but just as often they don’t. The problem arises when a founder insists on running ‘their’ company even if they don’t have the skills, temperament, or desire to do it well.

Marc Randolph

Co-founder of Netflix

My Unconventional Beliefs

The inefficiency is the point of doing the thing most meaningful to you.

Independence is a poor goal in adult life. Interdependence is a far better one.

When someone in your team says they want to do new things, the problem is not that they think their work is boring. It is that they cannot see the impact of their work.

SMART goals can do your team terrible damage when used in the wrong situation.

Problem solvers are overrated. Problem dissolvers are underrated.

Low-hanging fruits carry the least juice while enduring the most gravity; the highest fruits are the exact opposite.

Someone who appears too lazy to change is most likely too exhausted.

AI will not leave us jobless.

Most companies make the same mistake when hiring talent: they look for conformity instead of complementarity. They buy talent like they’re buying a (boring) car.

Decision framing is the single biggest exec skill that is ignored in your org. I bet no one told youthat.

Helping someone understand themselves better always beats giving them feedback.

Bottling our feelings doesn’t help; neither does talking about them.

In almost any negotiation, Win-Win or No Deal is better than Win-Lose.

All Articles


174 - Do you work in an organization where everybody works one level lower than they should?

Micromanagement tends to roll down. Everybody works one level lower than they should—this is the cascade of micromanagement. Your boss’s boss meddles in your boss’s work; your boss does your work; and you do your report’s work; and so on. ...


173 - The negotiating trick few talk about

Negotiations are won by whoever cares less. We know this in our bones, yet tune it out too often. ...


172 - The difference between informing and evoking

This newsletter has talked about the difference between feedback and observations. Feedback, especially in professional settings, has got the air of walking on eggshells. It is hard to get it right and harder for it to be consistently effective. ...


171 - Why is it so hard to say NO?

The difficulty in saying NO is a common one. I have family who’ve never refused a dinner invitation. Friends who would rip out a fingernail than turn someone down. ...


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